iFollow Discipleship Resource

Lesson Details

Developing Agendas for Small Group Meetings

Unit: Small Group Leadership
Category: Working with Jesus

Many units in the discipleship curriculum include materials about why small groups are so important to the Christian life. Humans were created by a God who uses a plural name, Elohim, but singular verbs; a God who is One, yet shows the faces of a Parent, a Son, and an omnipresent, mysterious Spirit; a God who lives in us, and yet in Whom we live and move and have our being. We are not truly whole apart from community. We have always had our families and neighborhoods, our clans and tribes and nations. But the “New” Covenant Jesus delivered to us (a very ancient covenant, renewed in terms of a human face we can imagine) calls us to commitment to a new kind of community. We are, as we like to sing, “part of the family of God.”

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